kapo is thinking about what to name the "peanut", rouie is looking at the cake thinking finally i have an excuse to eat it all, and aunt betty is chating it up with mema (not shown)
robert there is no explanation
kuu'lei (i before e except after words like kuu'lei)
moma lowe is happy to see every one again and remebering how loud we all were, but it's her fault because she's deaf,,, kinda
these were more valued than gold. mema makes the best deviled eggs this side of mars
the family of cell phones, leave a comment and guess whos are whos?
kuu'lei (i before e except after words like kuu'lei)
moma lowe is happy to see every one again and remebering how loud we all were, but it's her fault because she's deaf,,, kinda
these were more valued than gold. mema makes the best deviled eggs this side of mars
the family of cell phones, leave a comment and guess whos are whos?
it's mema, probably telling me not to eat all of those yummy looking eggs
aunt betty again
thats a bat symbole, on rouies' cake. she probably thinks batman could win agaisnt superman. but shes wrong
they did have a wonderfully awesome looking cake though
the birthday couple. smiling because they are a year older now.
aunt betty again
thats a bat symbole, on rouies' cake. she probably thinks batman could win agaisnt superman. but shes wrong
they did have a wonderfully awesome looking cake though
the birthday couple. smiling because they are a year older now.
all in all we had a great time. butch, gesi and kitty couldnt make it but we'll still be friends.